bb2Some 85 SA Harness participants gathered at Globe Derby to ask questions of HRSA as to a proposed 5% levy to be taken from stakemoney.

HRSA CEO John Lewis was quizzed regarding the levy and other issues facing the industry.

Disappointing that other board members were not at hand to answer questions the only one in audience was Lauren Giorgio who has just joined the board, Lauren is young and has fresh ideas lets hope she gets to use them.

Lewis was open explaining in his view the board will on Wednesday at their monthly meeting will look at other avenues to find the short fall of some $240,000 which is unbudgeted as they prepare to take over the running of race day activity at Globe Derby.

It has been well  published that Globe Derby has been picking up the short fall of $3700 each meeting held at Globe Derby, under the new  heads of agreement between the two origination HRSA will be reasonable for everything to do with putting on  a meeting.

The end result is in the hands of the board on Wednesday night but it looks likely the 5% levy will be withdrawn.

Other issue that come up was programming, a subcommittee is to be formed of participants to work with the racing department re this issue.

Lewis has many ideas to take back to the board, but the general consensus was the board needs to be much more transparent with its participants.

One of those issues is the need to update the constitution at a special meeting to change the makeup of the so called “company” that make up the board that are responsible for the running of the industry in this state.

Lewis said when questioned about where he see’s harness racing in this state in 5 years he replied “ we have a couple of positives the clawback of $300,000 finished at the end of the current financial year and UBET is about to resign a retail agreement which will bring  an six figure sum each year of the agreement.”

One thing is for sure the industry needs new direction and by working together it can be achieved.

Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Dean Baring