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As part of its biosecurity measures RWWA has mandated racing silks cannot be worn by more than one driver at a race meeting.

For stables with multiple runners at a race meeting it is the responsibility of the trainer to ensure they issue a clean set of silks to each driver they engage to drive at the meeting.  If a trainer engages the same driver to drive in multiple races then the same set of silks can be worn by that driver in the respective races.

Trainers have the following options to choose from:

  • Trainers silks
  • Alternate set of trainers silks
  • Owners Colours
  • Drivers Colours
  • Club Colours – (the use of Club colours will be permitted for one driver only following application and approval by RWWA. The colours will be laundered by the conducting Club between meetings.)

Any driver who has multiple driving engagements at a race meeting, and a heightened concern over wearing different colours, may wear their own registered colours however, the trainer who has engaged them to drive has the right to agree to this measure or engage another driver if they wish their horse to race under their normal racing colours.  The matter should be discussed between the two parties at the time of acceptance to drive.

To guarantee the accuracy of race book and internet race fields’ information trainers are required to provide the details of their race colours to RWWA by 10am on the day after the release of race fields.

Any trainer or driver who is unsure as to the impact this change will have on the way they operate should contact the Racing Office for clarification.

Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding