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29 May 2024 | RQ Media

Tonight sees the Finale’ of the 2024 Trot Rods Series with showcase coverage on Sky 2 complimented by the standard Sky 1 coverage.  Here’s the key details:

First Race: 4.50pm

Last Race: 8.58pm (race 10)

Sky 2 Coverage Commences: 4:40pm

Sky 2 Team: Brittany Graham, Ryan Phelan and Angus Garrard

Current Time To Beat: 64.49 (Master Charles)

The Drivers: Nathan Dawson, Nathan Rothwell, Leonard Cain, Brendan Barnes and Anthony Butt

For more details download the enhanced formguide available here: Trot Rod Formguide


Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding