Two rounds down. And Fantasy Harness Racing threw more curveballs at us as the racing program took on a different look to what the punters faced in week 1.

To highlight the true national outlook of the game in 2025, different drivers found their way to the top of the list and some trusted points scorers returned to past glories.

There was some movement among the coaches standings too. And yours truly, your humble Commissioner, nearly beat you all!

So here’s some key take outs from week 2 of Fantasy Harness Racing:

  1. He might have been somewhat underwhelming on debut in week 1, but Nathan Dawson showed why he is one of the highest priced drivers in the game with the highest score of the round. His 74 was head and shoulders above everyone else, boosted by a race-to-race double to close out Saturday night’s Albion Park meeting.
  2. That made Nathan one of just four drivers who’ve cracked the century of season points mark. He leads week 1 stars James Herbertson and Cameron Hart, while Kate Gath is also there and has quickly established herself as one of the premium bargains of the early season.
  3. Not far off the 100-point club is Gary Hall Jnr over in Western Australia. 35 points this week to top the state. 91 overall so far. Remarkable scoring given he’s had just two race meetings to compile his points haul.
  4. He only just topped WA this week though. Jocelyn Young almost got him. After just two in week 1 she banged out a 33 to more than outscore her price!
  5. Speaking of bargains, Jodi Quinlan is making a mockery of her price tag and after starting at the game’s base price, she’s bagged 46 points to be ranked seventh overall in Victoria.
  6. Anthony Butt was the most popular trade-in for week 2 and he rewarded his backers with another solid score of 36. The big collect coming in the Group 1 Cranbourne Trotters Cup with Oscar Bonavena doing an absolute demolition job on them for a double points score for Ant.
  7. Sometimes one drive is enough and those who stuck fat with Grant Dixon picked up a handy 20 points for his win on Leap to Fame in the Cranbourne Cup. When he’s back on home deck with a book of drives to his name, get on!
  8. When the fields came out, the name Jack Callaghan stood out for a likely week of points-piggery and my word he delivered. 58 for the Prince as those aviators did hot laps around Penrith, Newcastle and Menangle. Easily topped the scoring in New South Wales for round 2.
  9. Robbie Morris didn’t drive at Newcastle on Friday and Josh Gallagher didn’t have the fill-up he normally has. And yet they still managed to put together scores of 39 and 38 respectively. They’re coming down in price and look ominous. There are big scores on the way for them both but keep an eye on the schedule. Newcastle is crucial here and it’s not part of round 3!
  10. No South Australian racing that was part of the game this week. To clarify, Port Pirie did race on Friday night but only because it was transferred to later in the week due to the hot weather in South Australia on Wednesday. It was never scheduled in the fixtures so despite the date change, it was agreed it wasn’t fair to add them to the list, given coaches had built teams on the proviso they weren’t racing. It might pay to take a look at the results though. Six races – Wayne Hill won three of them. The man is a beast in SA!
  11. He would have cost you well over a million bucks, but if you were prepared to spend up in Tasmania, you got reward for your dollar with Mark Yole. Three winners and a third place from four drives for a score of 33. He gave us all an early steer on that in the official Fantasy podcast and live show on SEN on Wednesday.
  12. We have equal points leaders in Tasmania with two drivers at very different ends of the price list. Rohan Hillier had another super consistent week but at half his price (and rising) it was another big round for Jordan Chibnall. They’re both on 53 season points, with Jordan also winning the double points Devonport Cup.

It’s a big week ahead with the foundations getting another shake. The scheduling takes another turn with new venues entering the mix and a stack of bonus races at multiple venues on offer.

Thursday looks familiar. Redcliffe, Penrith and Kilmore carry the points and could be considered the calm before the storm.

Friday gets interesting with New South Wales racing shifting to Albury where Cameron Hart and Swayzee will look to add the Murray Cup and a half a million-dollar bonus to the bank balance. There’s double points on the line in that. There’s also two double points races on the program at Terang in Victoria. The Village Kid at the regular Gloucester Park Friday meeting in Western Australia is also worth double points.

Saturday is just as intriguing. There will be double points on offer at Menangle in the Hondo Grattan and at Globe Derby in both the Italian Cup and the Fred Jones Trotters Cup.

Strategy, structure and planning will be crucial when it comes to trading this week. With big points on the line in South Australia, it will be fascinating to see how the dominos fall.

But just as crucial are the moves coaches make as we enter the biggest points giveaway of the season so far. Round 4 could be the most dynamic round of the Fantasy season which is sure to have a major impact on the leader board. Double and triple points races in Western Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. All coated with the unknown of the Ultimate Drivers Championship in Queensland and bonanza of points that will provide.

We’re in for a ride that’s for sure. The best thing with Fantasy Harness Racing is you get to do all the driving!

Don’t forget to tune into the official Fantasy Harness Racing podcast live on SEN at midday on Wednesday’s or catch it wherever you get your podcasts. For Apple Podcasts users you can FIND IT HERE

Congratulations to our round winner Michael Hewish who only jumped clear of my team The Commissioner over the final two races of the round! He wins a dining voucher at Melton Entertainment Park!

Our week 1 winner Michael Manning remains on top overall and the lead did grow slightly in round 2. But the next few weeks will be huge with the points set to fluctuate like never before. Holding onto the lead won’t be easy!

Catch you next week!

The Commissioner


Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding