The HRSA Board wishes to advise it has resolved to extend the period of time that a 2YO or 3YO horse can secure a Southern Cross Bonus by one calendar month.

Therefore if a 2YO horse fails to secure a Southern Cross Bonus in the 2014/15 Racing Season and then wins a race in September 2015 as a 3YO, this horse will be awarded its 2YO Southern Cross Bonus. This horse would then be eligible for a 3YO Southern Cross Bonus should it win a second race in the 2015/16 Racing Season.

Also, if a 3YO horse fails to Secure a Southern Cross Bonus in the 2014/15 Racing Season and then wins a race in September 2015 as a 4yo, this horse will be awarded its 3YO Southern Cross Bonus.

This initiative has been introduced in an attempt to create more opportunities for owners to secure a Southern Cross Bonus and increase horse numbers at a time of the year when field numbers are historically low.

Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing
