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06 June 2024 | HRSA Media

QUALITY South Australian youngster Miss Idaho faces a seemingly impossible task this weekend.

Scoring first-up at Globe Derby a fortnight ago, Miss Idaho has been sent across the border for what is a scheduled two-start Victorian campaign, beginning with Melton on Saturday night.

The Ryan Hryhorec-trained filly is no stranger to glory at the venue, having captured the Youthful Stake last December in what was her final outing for the season.

This time around Miss Idaho will not only battle the ‘boys’, she has drawn horrifically along the second row.

To be driven by Nathan Jack, the daughter of Ultimate Machete will come from barrier 11, which has seen her listed among the outsiders.

Despite boasting eight consecutive wins, following a debut second, Miss Idaho is considered a $21 chance, with Some American the $2.20 favourite from gate seven.

“Given the preferential conditions of the race we knew she wouldn’t draw all that well, but the barrier is a shocker,” Hryhorec said. “It’s certainly taken a bit of wind out of our sails….I’d say she’ll be relying on luck from there.

“Nathan knows the track and form better than I do, so I won’t be giving him many instructions and will just rely on him to figure it out.”

With a similar race programmed on June 22, Miss Idaho will remain in Victoria providing she performs to expectations.

“This is a step up in grade for her, but also a good chance to see where she is at,” Hryhorec said.

“If things go her way and she comes away with the win that would be ideal, but as long as she hits the line hard and puts in her best, I will be happy from that draw.

“The plan is to stay for another race, but if she doesn’t handle this weekend as I believe she should, that might change.”



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