Following the presentation to clubs at annual conference, HRNZ would like to present the next initiative to support both clubs and owners.
The HRNZ Owners Subcommittee considered the opportunity for clubs to improve the ownership experience at their race meetings by streamlining the responsibility around owners on race day.
The committee considered the role of an Owner Liaison to be appointed by a club, with a view to targeting prospective owners, and ensuring owners on race day are looked after.
This role is a suggestion, but the subcommittee feels that by giving the responsibilities to one person on the club committee would greatly improve results for both owners and the club also.
The Owner Liaison would not necessarily have to be someone on the club committee, but could be a volunteer that offers to assist the club on race day.
This person’s role would include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Ensuring owners minimum standards are met on race day.
- Ensure winning owners are greeted in the birdcage following their win, and receive the opportunity to get a photograph.
- Introduce winning owners to the race sponsor.
- Promote ownership opportunities either via local trainers or through the HRNZ ownership promotion programme.
- Be a visible, positive and approachable contact point at race meetings, by badge or jacket, and be available for any owner’s enquiries on the day.
- This person can be identified in the race book, with information on how to contact them.
This role is a suggestion for clubs to improve race day experiences and also promote the industry to a new audience.
This person will be supported by the HRNZ Ownership Co-ordinator and assisted where possible.
Also, following on from the two successful owner event trials held by the Owners Subcommittee at Alexandra Park and Addington, HRNZ would also like to assist clubs to promote any owner events or privileges they would like to extend to their owners.
We are pleased with the amount of clubs who are already raising the bar and discovering new ways to thank and reward their owners, and would like help with the promotion of such events.
If a club would like to discuss an owners event, the Owner Liaison Role, or order a jacket or vest for the Owner Liaison to wear on race day, please do not hesitate to contact Jess Smith at Harness Racing New Zealand.
Jess Smith
Communication and Ownership Co-ordinator
Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing