HRSA established a number of new initiatives and incentives regarding the payment of licence fees for the 2016/17 Racing Season.

One new incentive included the opportunity for a participant to win two (2) tickets to the 2016 Perth Inter Dominion including flights and accommodation. All Trainers and Drivers who paid their licence fees in full by 31 August 2016 were eligible for this terrific prize which was drawn at the recent HRSA Board Meeting.

The lucky winner was Wayne Jacques.

Wayne is from a well-known South Australian harness racing family and has been involved in harness racing for over 50 years as both a Driver and Trainer. Working alongside his son Matthew, and with a strong interest in trotting, Wayne maintains a small stable of horses interspersed with the occasional drive!

HRSA extend its congratulations to Wayne Jacques.

More information:

John Lewis (Chief Executive)        0417855300

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Approved by Dean Baring Harnessbred.com Harness Racing Breeding