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Hy Poactive, one of the most progressive horses currently racing in country New South Wales, will make his long-awaited metropolitan debut at Menangle this weekend for Riverina trainer Ellen Jones.

Sparingly raced by his connections, the four-year-old gelding has won seven of his eight race starts to date and will aim to make the next step up in grade in the Success Stud Pace (race 3) on Saturday night.

Ellen’s husband Blake will take the reins behind Hy Poactive and believes that the son of RocknRoll Heaven has earnt a crack to compete at headquarters, given his impressive record in the Riverina.

“We were hopeful that he would have got his chance to be in Sydney for the State Championships final, but that did not eventuate,” said Blake.

“Things did not go to plan in the final of the Riverina Championships at Wagga, and he finished midfield in a strong race.

“That was the only blemish on his score sheet which was disappointing.

“But it was pleasing that he bounced back with a strong win at Wagga last Friday, sitting without cover and drawing away with something up his sleeve against a class field.

“There is no doubting that he will need to take a big step up if he is to win on Saturday.

“It is his first look at Menangle and some horses can take a few runs to get used to the bigger track

“We have drawn wide in gate eight and from there I have a few options on what I will do off the arm.

“He has handled the fast-paced racing well in previous runs so I see no reason why he would have any issues.”


Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding