HARNESS Racing SA stewards have concluded their inquiry into an incident that occurred between trainer Michael Henneker and owner Shane Loone at Globe Derby prior to Race 1 on June 27, 2016.
Evidence was taken from Henneker, Loone and witness Bradley McLeod.
Henneker pleaded guilty to a charge under Rule 231(1)(e)which reads:
A person shall not assault anyone employed, engaged or participating in the harness racing industry or otherwise having a connection with it.
The particulars being that Henneker approached Loone and assaulted him by striking him on one occasion around the neck/chin area.
Henneker was disqualified for 2 months effective immediately. In determining penalty stewards took into account his guilty plea, his good record and that no injuries were sustained by Loone.
However stewards were mindful that assault is not tolerated in the harness racing industry or society at large and that any disqualification has a significant impact.
Approved By Dean Baring www.harnessbred.com
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