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Harness Racing Quiz – Day 1

1. Is trotter Oscar Bonavena named after

A. An Argentinian Boxer

B. A Brazilian footballer

C. A Chilean Opera Singer


2.  Which stable had the first quinella in NZ Cup history

A. Mark Purdon/Natalie Rasmussen

B. C.C. Devine

C. Mike Berger/Warren Rich


3. Who drove $91 outsider Amaretto Sun to win the 2017 Dominion handicap?

A. Sheree Tomlinson

B. Clint Ford

C. Samantha Ottley


4. Who would most usually use an alligator clincher, a nipper and a buffer?

A. Stablehand

B. Physio

C. Farrier


5. Which of these North American racetracks is  the oldest?

A. Meadowlands, New Jersey

B. Yonkers, New York

C. Red Mile, Kentucky






Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding