Flair South Island have received all of the nominations for the Contribution to Team Teal Award and have decided on a winner.

This year the winner of the award is our Southern Ambassador Ellie Barron.

Ellie received numerous nominations for her work during the campaign. Some of the work included walking around with donation buckets, encouraging Kidz Kartz to be involved, Social Media posts, the Dash for Cash in costume (ran down the straight at Invercargill in costume to raise money for the campaign), and staying in her ambassador colours for the majority of the race meetings to help raise awareness.

Ellie was delighted to win the award but said she would have done the same amount of work regardless of the award being up for grabs, “As nice as it is to be recognised it was more important to raise as much awareness for the campaign as I could within six weeks, I didn’t get as many wins as I would have liked in the Teal Pants but I was able to do my bit getting amongst the community that we work in and the support was unbelievable really.” Ellie added that she was humbled to be nominated because she knew that all of the female drivers in New Zealand were driven by the campaign.

Denise Smythe of Flair South Island explained that the decision was not an easy one, “So many women have worked so very hard for this campaign and have done so much to raise awareness for this dreadful disease, we hope all participants are very sure that each of their efforts are worth much praise and appreciation.”

Details of a presentation to Ellie will follow.






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