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6The 2016 Australian Pacing Gold Grand Circuit has finished with a deadheat result.

Brilliant pacers Lennytheshark and Smolda could not be split at the end of the $4.6 million eight leg series which was spread throughout the southern hemisphere.

This is third occasion that a deadheat result has occurred in the Grand Circuit and the first time since the 2009 series when Blacks A Fake and Mr Feelgood couldn’t be split with 12 points each.

Back in 2003, Double Identity and Young Rufus also deadheated with 17 points each.

The eight leg Australian Pacing Gold Grand Circuit series starts in October with the Queensland Pacing Championship before heading to Christchurch for the New Zealand Cup followed by the Inter Dominion in Perth, Auckland Cup, WA Pacing Cup, Victoria & Hunter Cups before concluding with the Miracle Mile.

Lennytheshark proved successful in the Inter Dominion and the Victoria Cup while running a nose second in the Miracle Mile behind Have Faith In Me in Australasian record time.

Prepared by Victorian based horseman David Aiken and driven by Chris Alford,Lennytheshark only contested the three races on the Grand Circuit throughout the year.

The Four Starzzz Shark – Botswana entire amassed more than $1.1 million in stakes during the season.

Smolda proved successful in the Hunter Cup while running placings in the New Zealand, Auckland and Victoria Cups.

Prepared in Christchurch by Mark Purdon and Natalie Rasmussen, Smolda contested four Grand Circuit events throughout the season.

The Courage Under Fire – Under The Mattress gelding amassed more than $475,000 in stakes during the season.

Lennytheshark and Smolda finished the season with 260 points, 60 clear of nearest rival Have Faith In Me, a winner of the Auckland Cup and Miracle Mile.

The full list of Australian Pacing Gold Grand Circuit winners this season were Our Hi Jinx (Queensland Pacing Championship), Arden Rooney (New Zealand Cup), Lennytheshark(Inter Dominion), Have Faith In Me (Auckland Cup), My Hard Copy (WA Pacing Copy),Lennytheshark (Victoria Cup), Smolda (Hunter Cup) and Have Faith In Me (Miracle Mile).

And the top five point scorers were;

Lennytheshark & Smolda (260 points)

Have Faith In Me (200)

My Hard Copy (168)

Mossdale Conner (110)

Our Hi Jinx & Arden Rooney (100)

Congratulations to the owners of both pacers, Kevin and Martin Riseley(Lennytheshark) plus Phil & Glenys Kennard, Neil Pilcher and Marcus Kirkwood (Smolda).

Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Dean Baring