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As Harness Racing New South Wales heads into the third season of the successful Breed NSW Scheme, it has been made even easier to receive payments.

To increase liquidity and reduce the administrative burden on breeders, a single payment of $1,250 will be paid following notification of a live foal.

The original payment of $250 for a 42-day scan has been combined with the live foal payment of $1,000 for a single payment. This no longer requires a photo of the foal and is as simple as providing an email notifying of the birth along with the breeding, provided a Certificate of Service has been received in the first instance.

The Breed NSW Scheme has helped maintain breeding numbers across NSW, despite a national downturn and has allowed breeders to reinvest back into the industry.

Harness Racing NSW Chief Executive Peter Buckman acknowledged the input of Harness Breeders NSW Association and other breeders has attributed to the Breed NSW Scheme success.

“Off the back of continued consultation with breeders and industry participants, the need to make these funds available as quick as possible to assist with reinvestment was evident,” said Buckman.

“Together, we are working to maintain NSW’s position as the best place to breed and own Standardbreds.”

The changes to payments will be in place for the 2024-25 season.

You can find the updated Breed NSW Terms and Conditions here.


Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding