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1Ideal barrier points to Thats Rite.

An ideal barrier at No. 2 will enhance Thats Rite’s prospects of victory in the first heat of the Retravision Clarke Pace at Gloucester Park on Friday night, according to champion trainer Gary Hall sen… <<>>

Ohaka Kentucky back on track.

New Zealand-bred pacer Ohoka Kentucky sustained a powerful burst from ninth at the bell to win the 2590m Wagin Cup last Friday night to end a losing sequence of 14. But trainer-driver Robbie Williams aims to employ completely different tactics in a bid to win the $23,000 Clipsal By Schneider Pace over 2130m at Gloucester Park on Friday night… <<>>

Glenlochar thrown in at the deep end.

Veteran pacer Glenlochar is a noted frontrunner who will be thrown in at the deep end when he starts in the $23,000 LD Total Pace over 1730m at Gloucester Park on Friday night at his West Australian debut… <<>>


WATCH: Matt Young’s Friday night fancies!!


Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Dean Baring