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6By Adam Hamilton

SOMETHING quite extraordinary will happen at Albion Park on Saturday night.

Former Kiwi pacer Destreos will line-up for his 399th race start. Yes, that’s not a typo … 399th start.

And, incredibly, the Ken Rattray-trained gelding is still in peak form despite being a 12-year-old.

On times, he might be even better than ever.

Destreos loves racing and does so most weeks, sometimes twice a week, which will be the case on Saturday night.

Yesterday (Tuesday) he posted the 89th win of his career when he took the lead soon after the start and won over 1660m at Albion Park.

He heads back to the same track on Saturday with four wins and a close second from his past five starts.

Just a few months back he blazed over the same trip in a career-best 1min51.9sec mile rate.

Albion Park is Destreos’ backyard.

He’s called the “King of the Creek (Albion Park’s nickname) because he’s raced there 289 times and 68 wins.

12YO gelding. By Astreos from Melvins Speed
Trainer: Ken Rattray
Driver: Kelli Dawson
Record: 398 starts; 89 wins, 65 2nds and 58 3rds
Stakemoney: $728,326
Albion Park record: 289 starts; 68 wins, 54 2nds and 38 3rds
Career best time: 1min51.9sec mile rate for 1660m twice at Albion Park (November 17, 2015 and August 25, 2015)






Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Dean Baring