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3Six trots servants were awarded life memberships of the Swan Hill Trotting Club at the club’s annual presentation night at Cup sponsor Tooleybuc Sporting Club.

The honours acknowledged the great contributions made at the previous Nyah club, which now continues at Swan Hill.

Those honoured were:

Des Hilton: 31 years service, which included acting as a track attendant, trainer, driver, breeder, mobile driver and now track supervisor at Swan Hill;

Richard Pywell: 30 years service, having acted as vice-president, secretary, treasurer, northern region secretary, race-night host for guests and sponsorship;

Noel Watson: 30 years service includes being president, vice-president (current), track attendant, club MC and on-course interviewer, radio panellist, racing writer, sponsorships, trainer, driver, breeder, club promotions and racecaller (one race when the caller was late);

Arthur Burge: 28 years include acting as numbers room attendant, track attendant and trainer;

Gerard Moloney: 27 years spent as president (current – second term), vice-president, track attendant, breeder, trainer, mobile driver, Harness Breeders Victoria, country clubs representative and stallion tender co-ordinator;

Stephen Jenvey: 27 years spent as vice-president (current), club farrier, track attendant, OH&S officer, stand-start controller and driver.

Approved By Dean Baring
Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Dean Baring