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BATHURST horseman Travis Bullock does not exactly fit the mould of a typical concession driver.

Most of the novice reinsman and woman begin their driving careers as teenagers.

Yet Bullock was a late comer, kicking off at the age of 31.

Six years on, Bullock has come a long way, rewarded for his dedication and hard work by winning his fair share of races at his home track and other various Western Districts circuits.

And 2023 was his breakout season, recording 28 wins – 10 more than he achieved in the previous term.

For his efforts, Bullock claimed the honour of being named Bathurst Harness Racing Club’s champion concession driver, joining an extensive list of talented participants who themselves have scaled great heights.

“This honour is certainly a career highlight for me,” said Bullock.

“I never imagined when I began driving that I would be the recipient of a trophy like this, with my name alongside some of the best in the sport out this way.

“I am so proud and humbled by this and it has made the hard yards that I have put in all worthwhile.”

Like anyone making their way in the sport, Bullock has been fortunate to have had a good guidance and support system on his journey.

His father Peter has played the biggest part in mentoring him with his driving style and overall handling of their horses.

“Pretty much everything I have learned in harness racing has been through Dad,” he said.

“He has been training since the early 1980s and has always had a handy horse in his stable, testament to what a good horseman that he is.

“I am extremely grateful for the opportunities he has given me.

“There have been times he could have easily chosen more experienced drivers, but he wanted to give me the chance the chance to learn and I appreciate that.”

Not only has he had the support of his father and owners Peter and Marie Neil, Bullock has caught the eye of other Bathurst trainers who have taken full advantage of his concession claim.

“I do not want to name names because I would miss someone, but when people like Amanda Turnbull get you to drive their horses for them it is quite humbling,” he said.

“To be honest, I just take it comes and get out there and do my best to win.”


Approved By Dean Baring

Driving The Future Of Harness Racing

Approved by Dean Baring Harness Racing Breeding